Society Of Spiritual Science
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There is no further place than Earth from Heaven and nearer than Earth from Hell


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Message from the Founder ;

We are an organisation registered with the Registrar of Societies, Malaysia established since 1997. SOS is a non-government, non profit organisation committed to serve all.

We are having our registered address at No. 1, Jalan Bakawali 2, Taman Johor Jaya,  81100   Johor Bahru , Johor , Malaysia .  

We have also registered with the Registrar of Societies, Singapore this year, 2004 and our address is at  448 Lorong 3 Geylang Singapore 388919

Our Society is open to all, irrespective of sex, race, or religion and aged 18 years and above and having the common objectives of promoting Cultural and Spiritual awareness in every member willing to provide help to others as well as to participate in charitable activities. We are dedicated to provide spiritual and psychological help which is becoming more and more a desperately needed human service.

Dr. Rudolf Steiner, an Austrian scientist as early as 1921, predicted that the day will come when men need Spiritual and Psychological help as Modern Medicine alone cannot cure Human’s illnesses. This prediction has been seen to have come true as men over the past forty years, have entered into a “Chemical Era”. The situation is further worsened by the environmental toxins produced by our Industrial Society. Humans have in the thirst for advancement, ignored and abused Mother Nature. Most if not all of the food that we consume have either been chemically treated or infected. Manufacturers, Medical Researchers etc. have often claimed credit for new discoveries be it in nutrients or medicine but lack transparency in researching or revealing possible side effects upon consumption or on usage of their products. Some of the side effects become apparent only after many years.

Over the years we have in our midst, an influx of various forms of new diseases, most of which are incurable, and human beings, due to our weakened level of immunity and morale, become easy prey to these diseases and eventually succumbed to them. Hence we are unable to cure a large number of illnesses suffered by us and although Modern Medicine have tried their very best to find new medicines, we seem to have lost in the battle.

Under the circumstances, a simple solution available to all of us is to resort to Spiritual Science and Psychology . There is a need to develop in each of us our ability to master our Spiritual strength as only with this strength can we overcome many of our problems, whether, physical or otherwise. To develop this hidden strength, we have to interact and assist each other to develop and
master our spiritual capabilities through discipline and practice.



Q.V. Yong

Society of Spiritual Science, Johor Bahru

(S. O. S.)


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